
Acrylick Headwear Merchandise 0 Items

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Acrylick Headwear Merchandise

The message ist the concept. Acrylick displays its designs with pride knowing that every design they produce has a meaning and purpose behind it. Based in the LA area, this company strives for perfection. The perfect use of graphics and words printed on tees that mean more than just keep people warm. They aim in giving them a tool of expression. Acrylick knows that clothing has more power to influence and express then people see. Their styles stand strong in always having meaning and purpose along with good aesthetics. Check their manifesto: “Acrylick is a metaphor for the journey of life and the pursuit of finding ones soul and own individuality in this world. The masses may first perceive the word acrylic as being only related to paint, but when analyzed to a deeper symbolic level it is much more. Acrylics are used to paint and can be easily seen as an element we use to express our feelings, emotions, individuality, and soul onto paper, canvas, wood, ect. It is a material that we use to put what we have in our minds and hearts out to the world visually. We do not push conformity. Instead we intend to have individuals to use our clothing as a way to find their own originative spirit by expressing what they feel within by wearing our clothing to express it visually without.”